Sunday, 19 June 2016

Road Rage: Drive Angry

Road Rage is the newest member of the team, and I’ve worked with him for a whole two runs now. And one of those was our longest single run to date, so that has to count for something. I figured it was about time to throw together my own thoughts on him and what he does and the like. He's also going a long way towards reinforcing the 'unconventional' nature of our team; still no Sam or Decker or whatever else, but now we're double-dipping on the adepts.

First up, Road Rage is an ex-pat Yank who wound up Down Under With very little to his name at all. I haven't really probed where he's from (When you’re Australian, "Yank" could mean the UCAS or CAS or CFS. Or possibly even the NAN if you were really stretching it. Hell, you could even mean Ares Macrotechnology) why he ended up here, as I figure it's a sore spot and not something that I'm not going to poke until he's ready to talk about it. Of course, that means it could come back to kill us, but hey. That's what being a Runner's all about, right?

A day (or two) at the races

We'd settled down in our Melbourne house (well, save for Bas who was living in his van somewhere else because reasons) but we also had a number of matters that we needed to attend to. The first and most important was that out housing was provided by Big Zam in return for doing him a favour, and he needed it done fast. And yes, it was a favour of the distinctly illegal kind as well, because when you're a Shadowrunner that's what happens.

Bas in the meantime was buy farting around with the case we'd salvaged from the Impulse we'd fought on the way down here. He'd managed to open it, only to find three vials of unidentified liquid inside. They’d been padded enough to survive falling of an exploding truck at high speeds intact, which suggested they were either incredibly valuable, incredibly lethal or both. Interrogating the case yielded that it had a back to base alarm that was triggered to go off if it wasn't accounted for after a certain period of time, which meant that he only had so long to fart around with it until he drew unwanted attention.

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Highway to Hell (And by that, I mean Melbourne)

As mentioned, thanks to our being implicated in the assassination of a high-ranking Renraku exec and three Red Sam Guards (Yes, I did kill one of them, but that was in self-defense) we had decided that it was probably for the best if we got out of Sydney for a while. The good news was that Orca's Kebab Vendor/Fixer had gotten us a job to escort a refrigerated truck down to Melbourne, which would both get us out of town and get us paid along the way. This is a plan.

After getting something that resembled a good night's sleep I prepped for the trip by doing a round of repairs on Flavio, Ollie and Dickhead after how badly they got banged in the Renraku raid, With the aid of Adam and Jamie, I was able to get them all back into shape in a couple of hours, leaving enough time for me to pack my travelling stuff and do some last minute lawn care (ha!) before heading down to the pub for some Pub Nachos.