Road Rage is the newest member of the team, and I’ve worked with him for a
whole two runs now. And one of those was our longest single run to date, so
that has to count for something. I figured it was about time to throw together
my own thoughts on him and what he does and the like. He's also going a long
way towards reinforcing the 'unconventional' nature of our team; still no Sam
or Decker or whatever else, but now we're double-dipping on the adepts.
First up, Road Rage is an ex-pat Yank who wound up Down Under With very
little to his name at all. I haven't really probed where he's from (When you’re
Australian, "Yank" could mean the UCAS or CAS or CFS. Or possibly
even the NAN if you were really stretching it. Hell, you could even mean Ares
Macrotechnology) why he ended up here, as I figure it's a sore spot and not
something that I'm not going to poke until he's ready to talk about it. Of
course, that means it could come back to kill us, but hey. That's what being a
Runner's all about, right?