Sunday, 21 August 2016

Melbourne drivers and other hazards

We've more or less settled in to life in Melbourne now. Our new home in a converted garage is okay, and for Orca and Road Rage it’s even something of a step up. True, Bas continues to sleep outside in his Van, but by this point, we've come to expect that from him. If not for the fact that it's Melbourne, I'd say we're doing pretty okay for ourselves. Hell, I can even make right hand turns, as long as they're those weird hook turns they insist on. Oh, and I can put up with the Melbourne drivers.

Of course, us being Runners meant that we still needed to find work. Fortunately enough, not one but two offers dropped in our laps right away. The first was from a Macquarie that we'd worked for before, being the same slightly stodgy but well playing guy who got us the job with the Wuxing freighter. He arranged another one of his Matrix meets to roll out his newest offer, and I must admit that it was rather fascinating.