Monday, 22 February 2016

Who I am and what I do

Right, let's start with the basics, shall we?

This is me (and my truck)
My Street Name is Rev. You don't get to know my real name, sorry. Personal privacy and committing blatantly illegal acts and all that. I am a twenty-eight(ish) year old female human, with fair skin, blue eyes and ginger hair. I live (and for now, work) in the city of Sydney which is kind of sort of but not quite a part of the Republic of Australia. More on that to come. What makes me really interesting is what I actually do.

I am what's known as a Shadowrunner. I'm a part of the massive, illegal industry that serves as the soldiers in the quiet war between the megacorporations, the Governments and whoever else is willing to couch up the quid to have somebody do something to their rivals. I'm paid to do dirty deeds in a way that is deniable and does not trace back to the source, usually by people who prefer not to be indentified themselves. My employer, no matter who they are or who they work for, will usually go by the name of Mister Macquarie (Note to Americans reading this: What you call Mr Johnson). Even if they're a Ms, or whatever else.

Unlike other runners my job is not to stand up and fight; well, sort of. I'm what's known as a Rigger, somebody who uses cyberware and other equipment to control vehicles and drones as if they were an extension of their own body. I can drive anything that I can connect to, and do what no normal driver could do in the process. There's no reaction times, no hand-eye coordination; I drive at the speed of thought

Vehicles and Drones are the tools of the trade for me. You need something delivered in a hurry? I'm your Sheila. You need a fast getaway? I can be gone before the Corp Cops even know what's happened. You need a small army of backup? I have a fleet of drones that can bring more firepower to a fight then blowflies at a barbie. And I can do all this without being anywhere near what I’m doing at the time. I can control my vehicles and drones through the matrix or by jumping into them and sizing direct control or whatever else. I could be in the passenger seat next to you, I could be around the block or I could be on the other side of the city. Isn't technology bloody awesome?

This is also me (But no truck)
So that's a bit about me. If you’re lucky I’ll be the best driver/drone swarm/whatever the hell else you need you can get. Otherwise, you had better start running from the bloody drones and get out of my way

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