After the little adventure on the boat,
things had settled down a bit and allowed us some breathing time. Collectively,
the team had been working on improving various skills; for example, Orca is
getting better at picking locks, while I'm learning how to act like a Drone
when I’m jumped into one. I asked Orca to spot the difference between me
controlling Adam and Jamie running autonomously, and she couldn't, which means
I must be doing something right.
Unfortunately, we also need money
because drones, arrows, car parts and such don't pay for themselves.
Fortunately, Orca's Fixer (a Kebab stand owner called Lenny), was able to come
up with one that needed doing urgently and that he felt we were suited for. It
was rather simple; the client needed us to break into the Sydney CBD HQ of
Baird Communications and destroy a bunch of their servers. They were paying a
flat fee for the first two server rooms we killed, and then were offering a
bonus for each server room we took down after that, It seemed straightforward
enough, even if he needed it done in the next couple of days.
However, he also was worried that we
might be a little under-staffed for the level of destruction we'd need to engage
in, especially given that we'd be working on such a close timetable. Added to
that, Mo was unavailable (He’s a busy Troll and he has a lot to do, not the
least of which is keeping Dingus out of prison), which meant that we would already
be short-handed. Fortunately, Lenny knew a bloke who could help us out and put
us onto him.
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Road Rage's car. And home |
The Runner in question was an adept
called Road Rage who lived out of his car (And not a bad one at that; a Ford V8
Interceptor which is a pretty amazing ride. Fast, powerful, looks cool and is a
great baseline for modifications as well) and had a dog and was definitely
hard-up for work. Since he was an Expat Yank who otherwise all he had was a doing
a few guns and a vacant lot to park his car in, he was amenable to the idea and
agreed to meet us.
We rendezvoused at a pub in Manly and discussed
the plan over Nachos (Pub Nachos are an essential part of planning any run).
Our plan was to go in at night when there'd be the least amount of people
present, but first we needed to overcome the obstacle that was the CBD's
traffic restrictions. Lenny was able to set us up with fake CBD licences for
both my truck and Road Rage's car. True, they were anything but inconspicuous
commercial traffic, but we figured that since it was late night less people
would notice us, and that we were also going to spend as little time there as
possible. Besides, they’d only be good for one use anyway.
Bas in the meantime was going to do his
Matrix Thing and get us a detailed playout of the building, including the
location of the server rooms and the details of the security. We found six in
total; two each on the third and fifth floors, and then one each on the seventh
and ninth. We also found that there was little more then standard security
on-site; basically CorpSec drones with light armaments and no drones or Wage
mages or the like. He also got us access to the carpark and disabled the
security on the fire stairs.
So the plan was rather straightforward
after that. Once we were inside, we'd split into two teams. Team A would
consist of Orca, Road Rage and Bas; they'd work from the third floor and go up,
destroying servers as they went. Team B would be me jumped into Flavio and the
four Rotordrones; I'd be going from the ninth and working my way down. if all
went well, we'd meet up and then get the hell out of there. Simple.
Of course it wasn’t going to work out, because
that's what happens on a Run. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
Anyway, the first few stages went fine.
We got in, parked in the carpark, unloaded ourselves and our drones and went to
work. We timed things so the first couple of servers would go down at the same
time in order to confuse the security response, and so I took out the ninth
floor server room (Machine Gun fire is a great way of smashing up a server farm
or, for that matter, most things) while Orca got the first of the third floor
ones with a ball lightning spell (Servers are okay with Electricity in properly
managed doses. Not massive surges all at once).
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And his delicate lockpicking technique |
Unfortunately, it all went downhill from
there. The rather obvious sounds of shotguns and lighting alerted a patrol on
the third floor, which quickly turned into a firefight. Orca wounded one with
an arrow, but it was Road Rage's excessive gunplay with his Ruger Super Warhawk
that put them both down fast. Unfortunately, this meant that we were sprung and
had to step up the pace. Team A quickly destroyed the second server on the third
floor, and then moved up.
Meanwhile, I'd gotten the seventh floor
server room and had moved down to the fifth. I'd encountered a lone guard who tired
to take cover in an office, but a burst of Machine Gun fire from Flavio took
care of him (and the office). I took out the fifth floor servers and tried to
meet up with the others.
As it turned out, they'd gotten bogged
down in a gunfight on the stairs trying to get up to the fourth floor. The
Baird security had tried to use smoke grenades to cover them, which had worked
out to some degree. While it did slow them down, they weren’t ready for Road
Rage and Orca simply rushing through the smoke and going point-blank with them.
True, their effort became a bit redundant when I signalled that I’d taken out
the fifth floor server rooms, but it did mean that at least now they were clear
to retreat.
And that's when things really went tits
Team A came under fire from below,
courtesy of a Cybered-up soldier in rather conspicuous red armour. At the same
time, a similarly armoured trooper ran up to Flavio and impaled him with a
fragging Katana. And while he didn't kill Flavio (because, you know, Steel Lynx
may be a little baby tank but its still tough) he definitely made a mark, again
courtesy of a lot of top of the line cyberware. Apparently our little server
rampage had warranted the sudden intervention of a Red Sam team.
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It's all fun and games until the Red Samurai show up |
Flavio managed to deal with the Katana wielding
madman by first pushing him down the stairs and then a heady dosage of machine
gun fire. Unfortunately for me, a third Red Sam popped up who unleashed some
sort of storm spirit on me, which would have bene very bad (because Drones and
Electricity don't get on well either). Fortunately some grenades form the
Rotordrones managed to deal with that before it could get its lighting freak
After a lot of farting around in the
stairs on the other side (involving Orca trying to summon a fire spirit and
VBas hacking a commlink to basically tell him that yes there were Red Sams in
the building. Thanks for that, Captain Slow) saw the Cybered up Red Sam escape.
However, Team A were able to get to the car otherwise unmolested.
On my side, the Red Sam mage decided to
hammer my Rotordrones with an Ice Storm Spell while sheltering behind a car in
the carpark. Fortunately, a pair of grenades took care of the car (and them)
allowing me to get Flavio et all out of the stairwell. As the drones got out of
there, I was surprised by a black SUV speeding away. I took a few shots at it,
but it was fast moving and heavily armoured to boot. Rather than press the matter,
the four of us decided instead to get the hell out of there.
It was only after we got our payment via
Lenny that we found out that we were also well and truly rooted. It turned out
that somebody had assassinated the CEO of Renraku Australia and a member of her
Red Sam team... specifically, while she was visiting the Baird Communications
building for whatever reason. Yeah, our team had been the distraction for
somebody else's job, and we'd just had all the blame pinned on us. Which meant
that we were now super unpopular and very wanted.
On the upside, in as far as there is
one, Lenny said he had a job for us that would get us out of town for a while.
It might be a good idea to take it...
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